It's been a while since I updated the blog. I have been very busy with other things, namely helping a friend planned her sister's wedding. We have been here and there, sourcing and buying stuff for her hantaran, door gifts, and other things. By the time I get home, I am normally too tired to do anything else, including updating the blog.
Anyway, during the May 1st Labour Day holiday, my family and I went to Penang for a short break. It's also to celebrate my
36th 25th birthday ;) The last time I went to Penang was 11 years ago, for our honeymoon. Now, we came back to Penang with our two + 1 kids (oh, btw I am also 6 weeks pregnant - too happy). It was a good holiday, not that great especially as the traffic was horrendous in Georgetown. Anyway, a holiday is a holiday - it's always great to spend time with each other :)
Some holiday snapshots here..
Meisha doing her pose as usual |
Look, butterflies! |
There's another one here, mummy |
Hard Rock rocks! |